XML Targetting for LPML
LPML icon

1. into an RPM
2. into a debian software package (dpkg)
3. into documentation
4. into testing your filesystem
5. into compilation
6. into querying your operating system
7. into a summary of a software system

#1. into an RPM

Building an RPM automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

You will want to download http://www.cpan.org/authors/id/S/SH/SHARRISON/make_rpm-1.17.pl.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

#2. into a debian software package (dpkg)

Building a Debian package (dpkg) automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

#3. into documentation

Generating documentation automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

#4. into testing your filesystem

Testing your filesystem automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

#5. into compilation

Compiling source code automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

#6. into querying your operating system

Querying your operating system automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

#7. into a summary of a software system

Summarizing the complexity of software automatically and cleanly from a LPML file.

example lpml file

 bash$ lpml_parse.pl command here
 bash$ make command here

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